The Gallery: Animals

August 31, 2011 at 4:50 pm | Posted in The Gallery | 5 Comments
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On Monday we visited Bucklebury Farm Park with friends – Bucklebury being home to the Middleton’s of course – and boy were there a few Kate-a-like yummy mummy’s with Suri-esque daughters trotting around.

We had a great time though, despite the huge hill we conquered with two toddlers, a baby and a Phil & Ted’s only to find there was nothing at the top other than a slope down the other side returning to the farm.

It’s a shame there isn’t photo evidence of me taking the toddlers on the huge slide – my screams probably scared the chickens so much they’ll stop laying for a week.


This was one of the most gorgeous chocolatey-brown reindeer’s snuggling down in the hay.  Taking it easy before Santa comes calling.  It made me feel very festive – like a child.  The magic of Christmas gets me every year – the present shopping, the tree, the lights, the food (the famous buffet trolley in our house), the games (like sprout ball in our house), the quality time with family…

Yep, I’m done; bored of the (lack of) summer, bring on December, and I’d like some snow please!


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  1. Aww what a lovely reindeer x

  2. Original and I have looked at so many gallery entries but this is the first Christmasey one. Great photo
    My try is at

  3. oh wow! Fabulous choice! Gotta love reindeer!

  4. Oh I so know what you mean! Bring on Christmas 🙂

  5. reindeers sure are festive even in the summer aren’t they, we were at a safari park the other day and I loved the reindeers 🙂

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