Why can’t men shut doors?!

March 1, 2012 at 8:14 pm | Posted in Daily Life | 6 Comments
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Seriously. Why?!

I just don’t get it. And stupidly I’ve let it become a major bugbear.

“I don’t criticise you for your faults” my husband retaliated. That’s because I don’t have any I thought quietly, and decided not to state outloud.

This morning, for instance, husband is getting ready for work. I am getting ready for work, and getting three year old ready for pre-school. He is going as Peely Wally for World Book Day and is having a small fit about the blue marigolds not fitting over his shoes. Peely Wally is a red bird with blue feet.

After husband leaves for work I enter the kitchen to find the the worktop littered with crumbs, with a buttery knife at the epicentre. My eyes continued to scan the kitchen and settled upon the open bread bin.

Why can he not close it?! Open – take bread out. Get bread out of bag – close bag – put bag back – close door. Simple right?! Clearly not.

We have the same issue with the microwave door. He just can’t seem to close it after removing the hot food. Why?!

I am sure his mother spent the whole of his childhood chastising him with shouty comments as he entered a room – “shut that door, were you born in a barn?!”. To which I’m pretty sure he would reply with a gruff adolescent “actually I woz”.

Is it just me?! Why can’t men shut doors?!

Image courtesy of Cookipediachef on Flickr

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