Groupon Offers & Deals: Review

January 21, 2013 at 8:45 pm | Posted in Reviews | 1 Comment
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I was recently asked to explore Groupon and put some of their deals and offers to the test.  I’ve been a Groupon user for some time but confess to going through spells of checking the email alerts at times and then having patches of deleting them all without looking.  This gave me a kick to look again at what the site has to offer.

sewing machine

One of the things I’ve been wanting to do since having our son 4 and a half years ago is invest in a sewing machine.  So I am now the proud owner of a Brother 26 function machine – and it was a bargain on Groupon at £80 rather than £150.

I’m always really envious of people of make and create – fancy dress and school play costumes being a priority as a parent, but simple things like clothes repairs would be great too.  My first challenge to myself is a Robin onsie for our six week old to go with our older sons Batman outfit! Wish me luck!

Over Christmas I got some great deals on Groupon as well for gifts – a wine tasting and an afternoon tea as well as a spa day.  So now I check my email alerts far more frequently!

Make sure to sign up for email alerts for deals in your area and visit the site to see all of the Groupon offers.  The concept is simple – if you’ve been under a stone and don’t already know – sellers sell in bulk and can therefore offer a heavily discounted price.

Happy shopping.


We were giving £50 to spend on Groupon in return for writing the review. I stick to the bloggers with integrity code to only post honest and open reviews of products and services relevant to me and my family.

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  1. Just had a look back at my Groupon account and was surprised by how many I’ve bought! Among them Lots of meals out, all of which were great and a shoe rack which has brought order to my clutter of shoe boxes! But best buy of all was two treatments at Central Oxford Osteopathy which made me realise that years of neck pain could be fixed….invaluable!

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